Friday, July 2, 2010

Uruguay, Paraguay Celebrate "Guay Pride"

Guay people took to the streets yesterday as the nations of Paraguay and Uruguay jointly celebrated "Guay Pride". Organizer and Guay rights activist Ricardo Diaz commented on the parade in Montevideo, Uruguay, saying "This is the Guayest thing I've ever seen."
Gloria Moricio reacted similarly to the festivities is Asuncion, Paraguay. "God, this is so Guay," she said. "It makes me so happy to live where I can be openly Guay." Observers in both countries described the events as "fabulous."
Organizers were pleased with the diversity of the participants. "Just look around," said Diaz, "You see Guay people who are blue collar and working class, old and young, white, black, Mestizo . . . there are many shades of Guay."