Saturday, March 30, 2013


Satellite photos recently released by the CIA reveal that the “missile” at the center of threats from North Korea is nothing more than a bundle of bottle rockets wrapped in duct tape. Close examination of the photos suggest that the bottle rockets are Chinese-made. China has denied selling the bottle rockets directly to North Korea, and speculation has fallen on “that Korean guy whose been hitting all the fireworks stands in Tennessee” for the last several months. The duct tape appears to be the house brand from the Pyongyang Home Depot. Ballistics analysts Madelyn Guthrie concluded that the missile would be unlikely to reach an altitude great enough to pose a significant threat to the US, Europe, South Korea or “really anybody more than 50 yards from the thing.” Guthrie conceded that the missile still posed some risk, noting that it could “Emit a shower of sparks and should only be used under close adult supervision.” US Secretary of State issued a statement saying that “The world community sincerely hopes that North Korea will go through with it's threats to launch the (air quotes) missile because it could put somebody's eye out.”

Friday, March 29, 2013


A stalk of genetically modified corn has spoken out in favor of allowing homosexual marriage in the United States. Speaking from Monsanto headquarters in St. Louis, MO, the corn stalk said “I don't see any reason why gay people should be denied the opportunity to marry.” When asked if he considered homosexual marriage unnatural, the corn stalk said “Unnatural? I'm a talking corn stalk for fuck's sake! I came out of a test tube in a lab. Who am I to judge what's natural?” The corn stalk went on to describe himself as “Spiritual but not religious” and “A big believer in Roundup” but felt that “this isn't about personal beliefs. It's a civil rights issue.”
Alice Ruthenburg, a spokesperson for Act Up who was protesting outside the Supreme Court building said “I've always been opposed to genetically modified foods but on this issue, we're in total agreement.”