Thursday, August 5, 2010

Pentagon Unfriends WikiLeaks

According to a source close to the Pentagon, the headquarters of the US military had unfriended WikiLeaks from their Facebook page. The source, speaking anonymously, said that the Pentagon had "serious privacy concerns," with Facebook and was systematically reviewing their friends list. "We have to be careful with the information available on Facebook. Someone could easily access the Pentagon's birthdate, pictures of its kids, or tens of thousands of classified documents." The Pentagon also reportedly "likes" Halliburton and earned ten points on Farmville for finding a lost cow.

The alleged unfriending sent a ripple through the international intelligence community and media outlets. A post on the BBC News wall attributed to MI6 asking "U still my BFF 4ever?" was quickly deleted earlier today.

When asked about the unfriending, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said "Commenting on the friend status of any social networking site could compromise our ability to disseminate information while protecting our sources." He added that if WikiLeaks were to acquire any information about who is and isn't on the Pentagon's friends list, "Of course we would leak it."

Wednesday, August 4, 2010