Monday, October 10, 2016


In yet another blow to Donald Trump's campaign for the presidency, Dumpster Fire has rescinded it's endorsement of the GOP nominee following the release of a decade old tape of Trump making lewd comments about women. “I realize that I'm a smoldering pile of waste, spewing toxins into the air and in that regard I felt like Mr. Trump and I had an understanding,” the fire said in a press conference. “But even I have some standard for decency.” When asked about what prompted his change of heart, Dumpster Fire became visibly emotional saying, “When I think about my sister Recycling Bin Fire and my daughter, little Waste Basket Fire, I want them to live in a world where they can burn refuse to their fullest potential regardless of their gender, race, religion or their sexual orientation.” This announcement comes on the heels of Train Wreck also pulling his endorsement and Cesspool throwing her support Hillary Clinton, while Ted Cruz continues to back the Republican nominee. The Trump campaign did not respond to requests for comments for this story.